《House Party家庭派对》Liz Katz角色攻略详解这个地方很多玩家都不会,下面就给大家带来详细的攻略教程,一起来看看吧。这款游戏最近是比较火的,也适合多类人群玩,有单人模式,也有联机模式,支持跟你的好友们一起玩,玩法升级,快乐加倍,这款游戏的各种攻略和问题解决方法都有,在游戏中遇到各种问题都可以来这里寻找攻略,喜欢的朋友可以关注我们哦。
开始游戏后,需要等待两分钟左右,在这期间我们可以做任何事(我这边建议男主角和Derek对话,女主角给Brittney送衬衫)。两分钟后Liz Katz(以下简称Liz)会来到派对,画面会突然变红。走到门口选择 开( Shoo the stranger away 会把Liz赶走)。
在她们对话期间有一个分支选项,选择 I can help Liz with her trunk 。
Liz主动和我们对话后选择 See ya, Liz.快速结束对话,给她三瓶轻啤酒(注意避开那Frank&Leah,每给一瓶就等待一会再给下一瓶),之后她会去换泳衣然后走到院子的浴缸里,我们跟着她就行了。这里有时候会卡BUG,Liz会一直站着不动,这时候就只能重开了。如果浴缸里有其他人,Liz会等人走了才进去。Liz进入浴缸后会触发一段福利CG,然后获得一个成就。结束后她会一直待在浴缸里,也不能继续做任务了。在给她啤酒之间,她可能会问我们要不要一起泡浴缸,还会把她行李箱的钥匙给我们,如果我们把行李箱打开了就无法继续给她酒了,而是会触发主线剧情。
That's a nice trunk you have.
I was asking about that cool trunk you brought.
It looks big enough to fit a body into?
...how do you know?
Alright, alright. So what's the junk in the trunk?
I'll be your audience.
Maybe it's fate that we met tonight.
How would a murder mystery party normally go?
That's quite a bit of setup.
So it's always the same.
So you bring lots of costumes to change into?
We should open it!
That's just what this party needs through!
OK, but I'm ready to see what's in that trunk and bring this party to another level.
Ask me anytyhing.
Really? Badass!
Ask me anything.
Definitely Deadpool.
So who do you like better?
Yeah, Wolverine is pretty hairy.
But isn't Deadpool usually scarred and deformed?
Got it.
I hear you're a cosplayer?
Is that a profession?
I'll bet it's a lot of work though.
That's Impressive! I stan.
Should we open your trunk and shake up the party?
How about we go chill in the hot tub together?
Sure, I'll bring it out to you.
So this really isn't one of your murder mysteries?
Okay, I believe you Liz.
Partners in crime. Solving crime, that is.
Oh, then you should know the killer attacked me in the garage!
Not really. It was Dark. The killer was wearing a mask though.
That might rule out most people at this party...
See ya, Liz.
Detective Katz, it looks like something is in the mouth of the decapitated head.
We can put it in the dryer.
I can't believe we're doing this.
Let's do this!
跟着Liz来到二楼洗衣房,然后她会叫你把门关上。之后就是大家非常熟悉的 步骤哥哥我是史塔克 剧情(如果你不知道这是什么意思,那还是别知道好),当她卡住时, 把三个英文选项都随便选一下就行。之后用锤子把烘干机的门锤开,阅读第一张纸条。
You look hot Stephanie.
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I feel hot.
Oh yeah, it's just that Stephanie pointed out that it's been getting hot in this house and I agree.
You're right.
Stephanie had a pretty good idea to remove layers.
I can't wait to see it!
I don't know if that will help me cool off, but yes, definitely. Let's go!
Detective Katz, I found a clue outside.
Have you doth deduced any logical, um, deductions to produce an axiom of, um, evidential fact?"
Do you feel like we're being watched?
Detective Katz, I found a clue in the garage.
Do you have any information at all about who invited you to the party tonight?
I found out who invited you.
Oh... Good?
Wait wait wait...
Awesome! Let's party!
What is Brahd Mode?
How do I enable Brahd Mode?
Alright, I'll give it my best shot. *Log Off*
打开背包再次点击公文包 Secret Boob options ,按照下面的顺序点击
Fck Boob
Fck Boob
Squeeze Boob
Squeeze Boob
Pinch Boob
Twist Boob
Pinch Boob
Twist Boob
Lick Boob
Suck Boob
然后选择 All your boobs are belong to me. Enter VR with Liz
Please go on, Patrick, It's the least we can do to hear your final thoughts.
OK, Patrick, I know this must be important. Please continue.
I think we have enough clues to figure out how to capture the alledged killer.
The killer has a propensity to leave notes, offering a profile of a psychological need to be discovered.
Planting fake evidence in the form of fake blood in the AC unit was a purposeful misdirection to feign disposal of the nonexistent body.
Patrick recently recorded a last will and testament, indicating he may soon be dead, and providing a motivation for someone to kill him.
Patrick was the individual that invited you to the party tonight, making him the prime suspect involved with his own death.
The perpetrator is using the vents to move around and watch us.
到客厅电视那里拿走平板电脑(不要被Derek或Madison看到)。到空调外机那和扫把一起使用,再拿走车库里的企鹅,壁炉上的火柴,把它们和扫把一起使用。打开平板电脑 AC APP
More than half the vents are closed. Should be getting pretty smoky up there.
Woah, you have Psionic Powers?
Yeah, but trust me, girl: You'd look hot in a Psylocke cosplay.
Patrick left his last will & testament with Compubrah right before he went missing, didn't you?
Not too bad, if I do say so myself. But you! You were Incredible!
上面就是《House Party家庭派对》Liz Katz角色攻略详解攻略的全部内容了,如果攻略有不正确的内容可以在评论区指出,116攻略教程小编会尽快修改攻略,为玩家提供正确的答案。
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