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爱笔思画x v12.0.5

  • 平台:Android
  • 大小:42.68 MB
  • 更新:2024-04-20 19:05
  • 版本:v12.0.5
  • 语言:中文
  • 等级:
  • 授权:免费软件
  • 应用介绍
  • 应用截图
  • 下载地址
  • 网友评价







- 我的画廊功能,以欣赏我的插图

- 绘图过程的播放功能(具有播放速度调整功能)

- 导出功能到插图静止图像(PNG / JPEG)和电影(MP4)照片库

- 绘图过程电影编码功能和上传功能

- 分享您在Twitter上发布的图片网址

- 评论来说明时推送通知

- 下载另一个人的插图功能(工作文件)

- 收集功能,以欣赏其他人的插图

- 通过PC和Mac的USB文件传输导入和导出功能文件

- 能够将静止图像(PNG / JPEG),电影(MP4),工作文件(IPV)共享到社交平台。

- CLIP STUDIO PAINT连接功能(ibis Paint通过云绘制的延续可以使用CLIP STUDIO PAINT绘制)




3、上传和下载插图,您需要 Twitter、Facebook 或 Apple ID 帐户






Thank you for using ibis Paint X!

The summary of this update is as follows.

[New Features]

- Added Vector Layer feature.

- Added History Retrieval feature.

[Improvements, Changes]

- Added the ability to specify for each artwork whether to apply interpolation when the canvas is enlarged. Also, added the ability to select from “Pixelated for Small Canvas", "Pixelated for Any Canvas" and "Smooth for Any Canvas" when creating a new artwork.

- Made it possible to apply Filter tool to drawing-type Adjustment Layer after rasterizing.

- Made it possible to redo the state (and to continue drawing with the edge color pen) in which the stroke of the brush cannot be redone after undoing the stroke drawn with "Separate Each Stroke" parameter disabled brush, or when undoing Text tool without entering text, or when canceling the Frame Divider tool without adding frames.

- Improved so that In Polyline and Bézier Curve tool, when dragging knobs at exactly same position, the knob in the front is dragged first.

- Improved so that In Polyline and Bézier Curve tool, the looping operation by tapping the start knob works better than before.

- Added the ability to transform Text and Frame shapes with the Transform tool without rasterizing them.

- Improved the design of Layer window.

- Adjusted the layout of each window.

- Improved Canvas screen so that the window that opens the web page is displayed in its entirety.

[Fixed Bugs and Problems]

- Fixed a bug that could cause anomalies in drawing when using a brush of type "Water" with a wetness parameter of 1% or more on a layer with Alpha Lock enabled.

- Fixed a bug that when Jitter Color is enabled, brushes of type "Water" with 0% color mix, 0% wetness, and 1% or more dragging may not be treated as water.

- Fixed a bug in which brushes less than 48px may be drawn incorrectly when the aspect ratio is set to a value other than 0 and there are rotation patterns such as Initial Angle, Following Rotation, Jitter Angle.

- Fixed a bug in which the drawing may be partially missing when rotating a pattern when the aspect ratio is set to a value other than 0 and the type is "Double".

- Fixed a bug that the dashed line displayed while dragging the vertex knob was incorrect when adding a vertex after tapping the start knob and looping with Bézier Curve tool.

- When the blending mode "Eraser" was selected for Brush tool, the color of the opacity groove was the selected drawing color, but this color is not reflected, so it was corrected to show black, similar to Eraser tool, etc.

- Fixed a bug that could corrupt the drawing when undoing a bucket fill with the drawing tool when Eraser which "Opacity Saturation" is enabled was selected.

- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused bucket fills with the drawing tool to be performed again at inappropriate times.

- Fixed a bug that caused a drawing to be cut off double when playing back a bucket fill with the drawing tool when Eraser which "Opacity Saturation" is enabled was selected.

- Fixed a bug in which the bucket fill was not recognizing the selection area when Eraser which "Opacity Saturation" is enabled was selected.

- Fixed a bug that caused the bucket fill to remain when using the Curve or Polyline tool with three or more thumbs and switching the fill from OFF to ON when Eraser which "Opacity Saturation" is enabled was selected.

- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused anomalies in drawing and canvas when using the drawing tools "Circle", "Ellipse", and "Bézier Curve" with a brush that has a large "Spacing" parameter.

- Fixed a bug in which automatic restoration could corrupt a drawing when undoing Liquify Pen drawing and terminating the app.

- Fixed a bug that caused an anomaly in the canvas image when the current layer was hidden while drawing a Curve.


For more details, see: https://ibispaint.com/historyAndRights.jsp?newsID=92313754


  • 包名:jp.ne.ibis.ibispaintx.app.hms
  • MD5值:0AFCB310C500A070094C6E9167040196
  • 应用版本:12.0.5
  • 应用大小:42.68 MB
  • 爱笔思画x,在这里可以让你免费的使用软件内所有的专业工具,如果你还不会使用这些工具的话,还有着非常详细的教程可以学习,通过这些专业工具来帮助你更快更好的完成自己的作品,一键进行分享,让更多的人可以看到你的作品

    12-04 08:34 江西
  • 是杭州市智研堂广告有限公司全力打造的动画涂料工具。爱笔思画xapp用户以编码和上传影片,可快速一键分享绘画作品等

    12-02 09:05 广东
  • 它为用户提供了独特的绘图软件,如绘图过程电影化功能、摇摆校正功能、标尺功能、直线标尺、对称尺、剪贴片等功能,并且用户不仅可以录制个人画作,还可以制作超级工具,那还等什么,感兴趣的下载去体验吧

    12-02 09:01 江西


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